Sunday 24 July 2011

duryan owh... durian...!!!!

 Salam kawan2... ha sekarang korang pun tahu musim buah ape kan? sekarang apek2 duk jual melambak2 tepi jalan, atas lori.. depan umah...huhuhuhu... jadi hari ni entry aku pasal buah DURIAN... al kisah... aku mase kecik2 suke banggat sama itu durian.. huhuhu...
Setiap kali musim durian, family aku akan berkumpul ade yg berkampung kat kebun durian... dulu mase atok aku kuat lagi, dia bawak aku, adek dan abang aku pergi tunggu durian gugur... malam2 buta gelap gulita kitaorang tunggu dalam pundung(pondok kat kebun) bile dengar je bunyi ''gedebuk!!" kuat tu means ade yg gugur... ape lagi, berebut nak pergi ambik... tapi aku xpergi sebab takot..hahahaha.... bile bawak balik umah, atok aku pun kupas lah makan ramai2... mase tu maksu aku xkawin lagi masih skool.. heheh... dia lah tolong kupas jugak.. msing2 hantu durian... hahahaha....
Hah, nak tau bile aku start xmakan durian, ni aku cite cikit... hehehe... mase tu xsilap aku skolah rendah xingat umur bpe, mak ku kerja jauh, pastu mase tu musim durian... mak kau dah pergi kerja dah ni... aku kt kampung, pagi tu disebabkan durian2 tu fresh lagi, aku bantai makan durian sampai agak2 kenyang perut hanya makan durian... huhuhu... xtau lah berapa banyak... sebuah kot..huhuhu... pastu malam tu aku demam... mak aku pulak jauh... aku diam je dalam bilik xbitau wan aku... aku baring je... last2 katoi dengan maksu aku... huhhu... aku pergi lah klinik Dr. Yahya... dalam 1 minggu aku demam... huhuhu... wan aku tanye, "ekau makan dian minam xair dari kulit eh?" aku geleng kepale... huhuhu... malam2 aku mengigau panggil mak aku.. aku xsedar tapi adek aku bitau...since that day, aku fobia gile2 lah nak makan durian... insiden kedua bukan makan durian, mase tu aku form 1, aku bau durian sikit je, kepale aku jadi pening semacam... pening sampai xboleh angkat kepale.. sampai muntah2.. huhuhu... lagi lah aku fobia dgn durian... 
So, sampai sekarang lah aku xsuke durian dan xsuke bau dia... tapi disebabkan keluarga aku  ade dusun durian dan sekarang xde siape nak pergi kutip, aku lah jadi tukang tunggu, tukang kutip, tukang belah tukang buang kulit, tukang kacau lempok dan tukang masak durian( pengat ke, tempoyak ke)... huhhu... terpakse lah tahan pening dan tahan macam2..huhuhu... asal aku pegang 1 bijik durian je skarang, aku mesti asyik basuh tangan nak make sure tak de bau melekat..huhuhu... kesian aku kan..huhuhu... so, ni ade beberape gambo dian yg aku maek nk kasi korang tengok..huhuhu... tapi ni dah portion yg keberape aku xingat... pagi petang pergi kutip... ni baru 1 kebun dan ade yg mak ku dah kupas masok freezer... huhuhu...sebab xmuat tembok..!!! enjoy the photos..hehehe.... baru 3 hari aku amek gambo..hahaha...
 ni mase pagi kemarin... jumaat

ni hari ni.. petang... 

 ni mase petang jumaat...

ni malam ni..huhuhu... 

ni semalam... 

 ni sumbangan iklas.. dari google..hahahahaha...

 ni pun sumbangan ikhlas google..huhuhu... gambo xcukup..hahahaha

ni korang ce tekabile? hahahaha....

Wednesday 20 July 2011

simple pasta...

hi semua... sudah sekian lama aku xupdate blog aku ni...huhuhu... minta maap lh yerk... sekarang ni aku kekeringan idea & aku kesibukan..cewwaahh... skema nyer!..hehehe... anyway, aku nk bg korang 1 menu spaghetti yg aku buat sendiri... (aku xtengok buku pn maen campak2 je..)
 ni gambo aku dah bedal 3 suap..huhuhu
spaghetti dalam 50 tangkai..(hahahaha... agak lawak ayat aku.. tapi seyes aku kire kot..)
udang segar 5 ketul
telur 1 biji(goreng mate kobau)
bawng merah 1 biji(cincang)
bawang putih 3 biji(cincang)
halia muda besar seruas ibu jari(cincang)
cili boh 1 sudu makan (nak lagi pedas tambah lagi)
sos tiram 1 sudu makan
sos tomato 1 sudu makan
gula 1 sudu teh
madu 1 sudu teh
garam secukup rase
minyak kasak 1 sudu makan
sayur kacang panjang 1 helai kot ( nak pakai kacang buncis pun boleh)(suka sayur tambah banyak)
carrot (panjang jari telunjuk)(dadu atau hiris)
serbuk black paper(1/2 sudu teh)

cara-cara masak

jerang air 1/3 periuk dengan secubit garam kasar dan minyak masak. bila air dah mengelegak, masukkan spaghetti rebus hingga masak.
Panas kan kuali, masukkn minyak. dah panas tumis cili boh sampai agak masak & kerinting.
kemudian masukkan bawang putih, bawang merah, halia. gorng sampai wangi, pastu masukkan (1/4) cawan air masak. masikkan sos tiram, sos tomato, madu, gula, garam, sayur, udang, garam dan serbuk black paper. jerang sampai kuah pekat sikit... bila spaghetti dah masak, masik kan dia kt kuah yang dah buat tadi. kacau kasi sebati dalam mase 3 minit, balance kan rase. dah siap!! boleh makan... hehehe... aku makan sedap je... korang pandai2 lah bege yerk..hehehe... selamat mencube... :) 

Saturday 2 July 2011

Beware of Internet Banking FRAUD!!!!

Maybank does not send email that requires customer to update their 'Biodata', 'To Re-activate Account', or 'On Account Being Blocked'. 

In the field of computer security, Internet Banking FRAUD (PHISHING) is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and Transaction Authorisation Code (TAC) details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity such as banks or other financial entity. Communications purporting to be from IT Administrators are commonly used to lure the unsuspecting public. Internet Banking FRAUD is typically carried out by e-mail and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. Even when using server authentication, it may require tremendous skill to detect that the website is fake. Internet Banking FRAUD is another example of social engineering techniques.

Therefore, please ignore the phishing email, but report the matter to us immediately.

example of this kind of email: 
[News] Notice Update
this email was in my spams folder!!
                             Dear Valued Customer,
Your account have been flagged by our security experts. 
and kindly be informed , 
Transaction Authorisation Code (TAC)* will only be valid per transaction. 
For any subsequent transactions, you will need to 
 request new TAC.
You are therefore required to verify and update your details 
to avoid service suspension.
Click Here To Continue

Important Notice:

Ensure you Request a TAC. 
Transaction Authorisation Code (TAC) is required to complete 
this update. 
Failure to provide a TAC will lead to account suspension. 

What A Scam!!! don't believe this stupid offer!!!

Message Body

Asia Pacific Endowment Foundation
27th FL, kungpong, Bldg.1193 Phaholyothin Road,
Phayathai, Bangkok, 10400 THAILAND.

                                                    Winning Notification: A.P.E.F. LOTTERY

Attention: Beneficiary,

We are glad to inform you that you're one of the six lucky winners in this 2011 edition of the annual  Asia Pacific Endowment Foundation; individual empowerment lottery promo in conjunction with Visa-Card Inc; owners of Visa ATM Card world wide.

Details on the Beneficiary Selection Process:

No tickets were sold, Your email address is one of the lucky emails, Selected randomly via E-wheel Computer Ballot System drawn from over 1Million companies and individual email addresses, from all over the world during the VISA  ATM Card / EMAIL; Online selection draws. In the mean time we have been mandated to issue out this payment via our Swift ATM  Card office in Thailand, with the latest technology powered by the Inter-Switch  and the Visa Card Inc. This VISA  ATM Card will be uploaded with your Winning Prize-Money of Seven hundred thousand British pound sterling (700,000.00 GBP) and deliver to your destination by a courier service firm. And a tracking number will be issue to you to enable you track your parcel until it gets to you. This card can be used in any ATM machine in any part of the world. And also you can receive your Winning Prize money through Bank to Bank transfer. so if you like to receive your Award-Winning Prize; please contact the Lottery Online Coordinator Mr. Mark Tan, on this Email:

With the following information: 1. Full Name, 2. Phone Home/Office, 3. Home Address (P.O Box Not Acceptable).  4. Your Age and Current Occupation, 5. Country:
Congratulations !

Best Wishes,
Mrs Noc Kung
Publicity Secretary; A. P. E. F.